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Watch this video for a quick overview on the adoption types and click on a topic to learn more!


Adoption Types

Disclaimer: All testimonials on the following pages are anonymous for the privacy of the interviewees 


The adoptive family has no contact or exchange of information with the birth family for full privacy.


The terms are negotiated between the birth families and adoptive families allowing for the most amount of flexibility. 


The adoptive families and birth parents are in full contact throughout the child's life.

Which Adoption Type is Right for You?

Although every adoption case is unique it is often found that the semi-open adoption type is the best for most families. This is because it offers the most amount of flexibility to fit the uniqueness of each case.  It also incorporates all the positives of the open and closed adoption types without many of the negatives. A large amount of flexibility also allows you to make changes as needed throughout your child's life.

For Adoption Agencies

It is important to encourage future parents to read the experiences of other adoptees and adoptive parents. Not only will this help them make a decision on which adoption type is best for them but it will also give them insightful advice on how to achieve an overall successful adoption.

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