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Semi-Open Adoptions

While open and closed adoptions are the two most commonly known types of adoptions, semi-open adoptions are often the best choice for families.  As outlined by considering adoption, “semi-open adoption involves communication without exchanging identifying information”. In this type of adoption the terms are negotiated between the birth families and adoptive families allowing for the most amount of flexibility.

Click here to watch a video by the Adoption Network explaining why they recommend semi-open adoptions!


“It’s not legally binding that she gets three [visits per year] … this is just an agreement we have between us that says I’m going to do this and you’re going to do that”

“I think I ignorantly assumed that any relationship with her birth mother might damage or confuse my mothering, but I legitimately feel like these are people who are part of Parker’s story and genuinely love her. I don’t feel like any less of a mother with a birth mother in the equation.”

 “There have been phone calls and letters and emails that have been sent and have been exchanged more frequently, but our time of visitation has never exceeded two times a year.”

Things to Consider

When dealing with a semi-open adoption it is important to establish a level of contact that is comfortable with all parties involved. The positive part about this adoption type is that you are in charge of how much or little contact is given. Make sure to set boundaries while also giving an opportunity for positive relationships to be formed.

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