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Open Adoptions

In open adoptions the adoptive families and birth parents are in full contact throughout the child's life


"Yeah, it's a blessing, I think, and it's really nice having an open adoption because you can just interact with her and like, know what she's's also like having another family."

"I feel like, more like, complete, I guess because I know everything about myself now."

"I know my birthmother and know the whole story, and she loves me, and still does and did me a favor letting me be raised, you know, in a better situation."

Things to Consider

Like the closed adoption type, the open adoption type has its positives and negatives. For one it gives everyone involved the opportunity to create positive relationships. As the testimonials above exemplify, when things go right, adoptees feel complete, loved, and supported. However, it is important to keep in mind that, unfortunately, this is not the case for all adoptions. There are instances where there are hard feelings on either side, in which case, may lead to unforeseen challenges.  Either way is best to establish a good relationship with the birth parents and be flexible for whatever arises.

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